
  • If we take into account older people, disabled people and their friends and family we are now talking about 52% of the world's population
  • 75% of disabled people and their carers have left businesses with poor disability awareness
  • 1,8 billion  pounds per month is being lost to businesses in the UK as disabled customers and their families and friends walked away from service providers that were not disability smart
  • Globally this market represents 13 billion disabled people and when you add their friends, family and carers this takes up to 3 billion people. This represents a market worth a $8 trillion of disposable income
  • 91% of all consumers would be more likely to shop at business with accessible websites
  • Video and photos wioth alternative text and description appear in the results of search engines
  • Failing to provide customers with accessible websites cost UK retailers 11.75 billion pounds in 2015