Are your friends disabled?

Dimitra Kontova on a wheelchair

I may or may not be friends with disabled people. It's important to have a good time, to talk about various topics and to support each other through the good times and the hard times.
Through my discussion with the students, I asked them to think about their own friends and tell me why they hang out with them. They told me that their loved ones are kind, make them laugh, hug them when they're sad, play a lot of games, and like the same foods.
So according to our personal experiences and preferences, their character and how we feel with a person is more important and not his physical condition, the country he comes from or the color of his hair. After all, we are all different!
Are you only friends with people who are the same as you?

Mytilineos supports SKEP's Disability Awareness Programs in schools within the Attica Area. 
#skep #MYTILINEOS #inclusion #disabilityawareness