Vaggelis thoughts

Κολάζ φωτογραφιών με τα μέλη του Σ.Κ.Ε.Π.: Ο Στέφανος Βούρος, η Αθηνά Κρητικού, ο Παναγιώτης Πιτσίνιαγκας, η Ειρήνη Τρομπέτα, ο Βαγγέλης Αυγουλάς, η Θάλεια Κιούση, ο Κωνσταντίνος Σαμαράς κι η Ιλεάνα Βασδέκη.

We want to thank the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for its support over the last two years.

"These daily dialogues with the kids motivate me to continue my journey... they empower me! After every school visit, I felt like I invested into tomorrow's active citizens and I was more optimistic and happier, because I came to find that, fortunately, there is hope! "

Vaggelis Avgoulas
Motivational Speaker

Stay tuned for the program report!