SKEP's Educational Program among IEA case studies

Ο Παναγιώτης, ο Στέφανος, η Ιλεάνα κι η Αθηνά Κρητικού μπροστά σε κοινό μαθητών.

UNESCO and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education have designed a unique collection of case studies in order to support stakeholders to develop & implement inclusive and equitable education policies, programmes and practices. The case studies section presents detailed and highly structured material on key policy developments.

The aim of the case study material is to provide detailed information on inclusive policy and practice from policy makers and practitioners, about the implementation and its results. It includes a collection of case studies relating to policy statements, descriptions and evaluations of policy developments, plans for and reflections on policy implementation from different regions.

We are proud that our educational program "Focus on the person" in schools, is among the aforementioned case studies.