latest news & announcements

6th Elementary School of Petroupolis' Municipality

Vaggelis Avgoulas and Eirini Trompeta visited the students of the second grade of the school.

Most of the young students had never seen a blind man before in their lives, and so they had the opportunity to ask about something that looked "different" and "strange" from their everyday life.
The children were impressed by the Braille code for the blind and by the white cane that helps "not hitting stuff".

The project "Familiarizing students of general education with Disability" is co-funded by SolidarityNow.

When words become actions!

We are proud and happy when through our programs, necessary changes are made! As part of our visit to speak at their school, the 17th Primary School of Athens, built and launched their first disability ramp!!!
The program is co-funded by SolidarityNow.

Sign Language Workshop

Within the last experiential workshops, we have incorporated a new Sign Language workshop. Thalia Kiousi, a Greek Sign Language trainee interpreter, presented it to the students!
"We talked about the problems that would arise if we wake up tomorrow and we cannot hear.
-I couldn't listen to my mom.
-I couldn't participate in school!

At the same time we found piece of cake solutions:
-My mom would write to me or we would learn sign language.
-My teacher would write in the black board what he/she needs.

Experiential-Interactive Workshops

In S.K.E.P.s' workshops that were held yesterday, the students of general education who participated were all from elementary school. After each workshop, we asked students to express their feelings. The  message of a student filled us with joy and optimism!

The Project "See and Act Differently" is funded through the NGO Grant program We are all Citizens of EEA Grants Greece.

A different visit!

Yesterday we payed a different visit. We met with students from the 4th and 5th High School of Larissa! They are in Athens on a field trip and so we visited them in their hotel. It is interesting how different for them were several accessibility issues since they live in a city considerably more friendly than Athens, for people with motor problems.

Creating coexistence conditions between young people that rarely have the opportunity to get together!

Following the great response of our project "See and Act Differently" in the province, about 1.000 students with and without disability from schools and special schools throughout the region, they will get together until the end of February participating in interactive artistic workshops. Our goal is the active participation of schools and institutions outside Athens and that young people gain step and a leading role in shaping new attitudes and perceptions towards diversity.
